2016年4月14日 星期四



2011年,當時我以興趣去學習裝幀,製作自己的作品,也開始偏向喜歡製作迷你書,在港已成立「天上遊雲」書藝工作室,但出版或是協會什麼的,想也沒想過,之後隨山崎 曜老師學習,課後總愛去神保町,日本著名書區取經,認識了一群熱愛豆本(日本對迷你書的稱呼)的老師,其中赤井 都老師因為著作頗多,而且她其中一部著作有台灣中文翻譯版,因而印象特別深刻,透過去年策劃的第二屆香港書本藝術節,邀請了赤井老師來港參展,我們彼此的關係也更進一步,她很欣賞我們《蛋誌》的創作,當然我們一眾《蛋誌》作者也不會錯過向赤井老師請教的機會。





扭蛋機 (Gashapon Machine) 這種自動販賣文化由日本傳入世界各地,身在香港的我早早就接觸到,也一直為之而著迷,於2011年初,我曾到日本隨山崎曜老師及西尾彩老師學習裝幀,一直以迷你書為主要創作媒介的我,亦特地到神保町的專門書店購買日本豆本老師們的作品,就在書店門外發現了豆本扭蛋,那時簡直讓我瘋狂了,這簡直結合了兩個我最喜歡的元素在內。

在那次的學藝及購買經驗給予我很大的啟發,回到香港之後,我更把自己的見聞告知香港的書藝工作者朋友們,結果連同我,八位朋友共同嘗試製作一個「香港版」的扭蛋迷你書,亦就是《蛋誌》,得知日本的Mamehon Gachapon已踏進十週年,我十分榮幸受到赤井都老師的邀請,為他們撰寫賀文。

在這裡希望Mamehon Gachapon Tokyo可以繼續為喜歡豆本的朋友帶來新的衝擊與驚喜,就像當初對我自身的啟發一樣,也為其他創作者帶來更多的啟發,並迎接之後更多個十年。

Gashapon Machines, the format of automatic selling system from Japan to all over the world, I was in touch with it when I am a child, and crazy for it too. At the beginning of 2011, I went to Japan and learnt bookbinding skills from Yamazaki Yo sensei and Nishio Aya sensei, in between the lesson, I went to Jinbocho for buying miniature books made by Japanese artists, and I found the Mamehon Gashapon Machine in front of the book store, it made me so exciting and could not stop playing that.

The experience that time I went to Japan, I was so impressed and inspired by all the things, I also informed the book artists friends I have in Hong Kong, finally 8 of book artists included me, try to create the Hong Kong style Mamehon Gashapon, which was "eggwich" miniature zine. I am pleased to know that Mamehon Gachapon Tokyo comes to their 10 years anniversary, and thank you for Akai Miyako sensei invited me to write a message to this project.

I wish Mamehon Gachapon Tokyo could keep providing the energy and creativities to all the miniature book lovers, and inspired more people, for another 10 years.